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Student Survey Reports

Students' Survey Report During Pandemic (8 June - 7 July 2021)

Kathmandu University Student Welfare Directorate conducted a survey from June 8 to July 7, 2021, among its students to know their present status. The main purpose of this survey was to find the impact of COVID-19 on KU students. 1347 students from seven different schools of Kathmandu University have participated in the survey.

Download Student Survey Report 2021


COVID-19 Student Status Survey (29 May - 7 June 2020)

This survey focused on collecting the current social and technical status of each student studying at Kathmandu University. Upon request of the respective school or department, students provided their information such as personal details, COVID-19 status, technical skills, internet connectivity/mobile carrier services, and views on aspects of online teaching-learning.

Download Student Survey Report 2020