Visit of Prof. Dr. Sergei Silvestrov

Published Date: 2013-10-03, Thursday


Visit of Prof. Dr. Sergei Silvestrov

Professor Dr. Sergei Silvestrov, the coordinator of the Masters programme in Engineering Mathematics at Malardalen University, Sweden, visited KU during 28 – 29 September 2013.  On September 29, Prof. Sergei interacted with the faculties, visiting professors and research scholars of the University about the scope of the engineering mathematics programme and highlighted some possible collaborative activities in mathematics with common domains.



Prof. Sergei informed that the Masters programme of his university is highly job-oriented and popular in European countries for the production of competent engineers who are seeking higher education and research activities with strong mathematical foundations and updated applications. According to him, the programme also aims to fulfill the need of skills to develop the technology of tomorrow, with broad expertise in mathematical methods and applications, by transferring knowledge from universities to industries.



During the interaction programme, Prof. Dr. Bhadra Man Tuladhar, president of Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS), shed lights on academic programmes and some of the major mathematical activities in Nepal. Similarly, Dr. Deepak Subedi, Associate Dean of School of Science and Head of the Department of Natural Sciences, described the structure, academic programmes and research activities at the Department.  

Dr. Gyan Bahadur Thapa from Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, was also present in the occasion.

Details of this aforesaid Masters programme can be seen at .


Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2013-10-03,Thursday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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