CEP Program on Community Field Visit

Published Date: 2013-10-04, Friday

CEP Program on Community Field Visit

The Community Education Project (CEP), KU, organized a program entitled "Sharing Experiences and Feedback of Community Field Visit, 2013," on September 30, 2013, in the CV Raman Auditorium.

Undergraduate second year students (CE/CS, EE and ME) presented their experiences of the community field visit. The presentations involved short introduction of the place of visit, problems tackled, contribution to the community, and experiences gained.

The program was attended by the Registrar, Associate Deans, Project Manager (CEP), faculties of School of Engineering and Mr. Tore Skeie (Nepal Director, Himal Partner).

Mr. Sushil Shrestha, a project member (CEP), briefly discussed different aspects of the field visit.

Prof. Dr. Ramesh Maskey, Associate Dean, SoE, highlighted some of the community-oriented works done by Kathmandu University in collaboration with Seoul National University, S. Korea, and encouraged students to contribute to the community further in the future. 

Mr. Tore Skeie made remarks about the students’ presentations and thanked CEP for organizing the visit.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2013-10-04,Friday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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