Visit of Fulbright Professor Timothy E. O' Brien

Published Date: 2015-06-12, Friday


Fulbright Professor Timothy E. O’ Brien visited Kathmandu University from 2 to 13 June 2015.


Prof. Timothy held a lecture seminar on 9 June 2015 at Kathmandu University Dhulikhel Campus. The title of his presentation was . This presentation focused on the importance of the use of various statistical methodologies in interdisciplinary research. Numerous practical examples on assessment of drug synergy and relative potency, data-mining of “big data”, mixed and hierarchical modeling and optimal experimental design were discussed in this seminar and in several other meetings held at the University.

He had several meetings including interractions with Prof. Dr. Jyoti U. Devkota, Head of the Department of Natural Sciences. 

A professor of Mathematics and Statistics and a Graduate Program Director at Loyola University Chicago, Prof. Timothy has served as Senior Science Advisor to U. S. Government. He was also a Fulbright Senior Specialist and Fulbright Traditional Scholar.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2015-06-12,Friday
Published By: Kathmandu University