Meetings held with the PI’s of ongoing Externally Funded projects of KUSOE, KUSOL, KUSOS and KUSMS

Published Date: 2024-04-02, Tuesday


On 1st April, 2024, RDI completed the meeting with Principal Investigators (PI) of ongoing Externally Funded Projects of KUSOE, KUSOL, KUSOS and KUSMS. The other invitees were RDI committee members, Deans, Associate Deans, HODs of respective schools. The meetings were concluded in two sessions at Library Meeting Hall and Senate Hall, Kathmandu University. The first meeting was with PI’s of KUSOE and KUSOL and second was with PI’s of KUSOS and KUSMS. The agendas of both meetings were: difficulties in administering and implementing of externally funded projects, revision on policy document of RDI, status of project team member and other related to human resources of projects. There were intense discussions on all the agendas. The issues raise in the meeting were listed and will be sent to registrar for the amendments in rules and policies and further improvement in process of project administration and implementation.

RDI would like to extend thanks to the entire participant for making the program successful.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2024-04-02,Tuesday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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