3 Credit Short Course on Collaborative Learning Environment Center (CLEC) Approach

Published Date: 2024-05-04, Saturday


In collaboration with Digital Bridges for Nepal (DB4N), Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED) offered a 3-credit short course on the Collaborative Learning Environment Center (CLEC) Approach in Teaching and Learning to 12 teachers from Manang, Mustang, Gorkha and Biratnagar. The course aimed to enhance teachers' knowledge and skills in implementing CLEC approach and to improve their digital skills for integrating technology in teaching. The major topics of the course were:

  • CLEC Approach in Teaching and Learning

  • Digital Wellbeing and Troubleshooting

  • Productivity Tools and Collaborative Application

  • Facilitation and Presentation Skill

  • Integration of CLEC in Subjects

  • Participatory Action Research in CLEC

  • Virtualization of Learning Environment

The course was launched on November 8, 2023 and concluded on January 27, 2024. Out of 12 participants, 7 teachers successfully completed the course and met all the course requirements. On 3rd May 2024, the Dean of KUSOED, Prof. Bal Chandra Luitel awarded a certificate of completion to the graduates at a graduation ceremony.

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2024-05-29,Wednesday
Published By: School of Education, Department of Educational Leadership
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