Support and Attendant Staff Completed Basic Excel Training

Published Date: 2023-08-02, Wednesday


Human Resources Division, in collaboration with National Training and Research Academy Pvt. Ltd. provided training on Basic Excel to the Support and Attendant level staff of Kathmandu University, which was received by 30 staff, from 30 July 2023 to 1 August 2023 at Computer Learning Lab, Kathmandu University. The training program aimed to equip employees with essential Excel skills, empowering them to streamline tasks, improve efficiency, and enhance their overall job performance.

The Basic Excel Training program was designed to cater the staff from diverse backgrounds; wherein novices learned to navigate the software confidently. The program received enthusiastic participation, with staff members appreciating the practicality and relevance of the lessons. The Human Resources Division looks forward to witnessing the positive impact of this training in daily operations and achieving even greater success in the future.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2023-08-03,Thursday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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