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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in Educational Leadership is a rigorous program of advanced study and research. This program intends to produce graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality. This program offers the candidates with substantial grounding in high quality research and analytical skills in educational leadership. The program aims at cultivating critical, discursive, analytical, creative, and innovative skills of graduates through sharing, reflecting, advocating, researching, and theorizing on the contemporary issues, policies, research works and practices of educational leadership. The program further aims to garnish the advanced research skills of national and international scholars whose research works could be example to improve practices in their professions and could contribute to the education sector at local, national, and global levels.
By completing PhD in Educational Leadership program, research students are expected to demonstrate:
Possible course
In case of candidates requiring specific course works, they will be offered one or more out of the following list as recommended by the supervisor(s).
EDUC 600 Educational Dimensions
EDUC 620 Research Methods
Educ 621 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods or
Educ 622 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
EDLE 621 Theories and Practice in Educational Leadership
EDLE 632 Organizational Theory/Development and Organization Behavior
EDLE 642 Human Resource Management and Development in Education
EDLE 652 Policy and Governance for Educational Leadership
EDUC 640 Mixed Methods Research
EDUC 650 Transformative Education Research and Practice
EDUC 660 Participatory Action Research
EDUC 644 Statistical Methods in Education and Social Science Research
EDUC 611 Academic Writing and Research