PhD in DoCSE

PhD Graduates from the Department

  1. Dr. Bal Krishna Bal 
    PhD Topic: Analyzing opinions and argumentation in news editorials and opinionated texts: Building Resources and techniques for a computational model.
    Supervisors: Prof. Patrick A.V. Hall, Prof.Patrick Saint-Dizier
    Graduated year: 2015
  2. Mr. Purusottam Kharel 
    Research Topic: E-Government in Developing Countries: Problem and Prospects in the context of Nepal
    Supervisors: Prof. Patrick A.V. Hall, Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya.
    Graduated Year: 2016
  3. Ms. Pranita Upadhyaya
    Research Topic: An Empirical Study of E-Government Security implementation in developing countries: A Case Study of Nepal
    Supervisors: Prof. Dr.Subarna Shakya, Dr. Manish Pokharel
    Graduated Year: 2017

Current PhD Candidate

  1. Mr. Sameer Kharel
    Research Topic: Exploration of Novel Usability Methodologies for Transcending the Gap between Apps and the Web for Same Service Delivery in Different Media
    Supervisors: Dr. Mikael Fernström/Dr. Bal Krishna Bal
    Start Date: 26 March, 2019
  2. Santosh Khana
    Research Topic: Integrating Clinical Information for Predictive Analysis
    Supervisor: Dr. Rabindra Bista
    Start Date: 26 March, 2019
  3. Ganesh Gautam
    Research Topic: Infrastructure Analysis and IOT Framework Development for Smart City Nepal
    Supervisor: Dr. Gajendra Sharma
    Start Date: 22 May, 2018
  4. Pankaj Raj Dawadi
    Research Topic: Performance Measurement using Machine Learning Approach: A Perspective From Smart Transportation
    Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Manish Pokharel / Dr. Bal Krishna Bal
    Start Date: 22 May, 2018
  5. Mr. Sushil Shrestha
    Research Topic: Online Learning System
    Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Manish Pokharel
    Start date: 2 July, 2017


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