Program Official Title: Master in Sustainable Development
MultidisciplinaryMaster in Sustainable Development is the Regional Master’s Program with interdisciplinary coverage targeted to develop SD professionals in the region after recognizing a deficit of such experts in our region. The main attributes of the program include;
- The program is an interdisciplinary one with a thrust to produce educators, researchers, policy analysts, planners and trainers in the field of Sustainable Development.
- This is a University identified area/program with over five years of experience of producing graduates with Master in Environment Education and Sustainable Development working in different areas. The experience of four years of its delivery has shown this marketable (as started) degree is a now becoming a sellable degree. This degree program has all the essential praxis to produce employee to self-employed entrepreneurs.
- This program comes after an international market (job market) analysis which has shown a steady increase in employment in the Sustainability and Environment Sector; this program will cater to produce professionals for these demanding sectors.
The program is a 24-month (divided into four semesters) program enriching oneself with practical experiences during the program. The first three semester includes coursework that blends theory with real world learning while the fourth semester includes internship and research work wholly making a practical focus.
Duration: 24 Months