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Master in Business and Economics (MBE) is a graduate program that blends the essence of business and economics with quantitative rigour.
Expected outcome
The MBE program is envisioned to impart prospective students with sound knowledge of business and economics along with quantitative and modelling skills, which will offer them a comparative advantage over other graduates with conventional business or economics degrees. Hence the program combines three distinct areas: business, economics and quantitative methods with the objective of preparing well-trained groups of individuals who can do modelling, data evaluation and situation analysis in various areas of business and economics. The graduates will have greater job opportunities in both business and economics areas to work as market analysts/ financial analysts/ economic analysts/research consultants for corporate houses, industries, government agencies, NGOs/INGO and international bodies. A graduate of the program will be more flexible in adjusting to demand in the market.
Target Group
Young scholars looking for a sound understanding of economics combined with knowledge of business functions make the target group for this program. With aptitude in quantitative methods and interest in modelling for business/economics, attracted to pursuing a career in either area and desirous to develop skills in analytical ability are expected beneficiaries. Apart from inducting fresh students, the degree program is also designed to attract professional managers and economists, who desire to enhance their capacity and further their careers in the domain of advanced business/economics study.
Terminal competency
After completing all the curricular and co-curricular requirements of the program, the graduating students will be able to:
Exercise practically as qualified business/economics analysts who can contribute in research/consulting/analysis in the areas of business and economics;
Analyze competently while integrating business and economics areas;
Be capable of undertaking Ph.D. study abroad in either of the disciplines;
Demonstrate mastery in one specialization area of money and finance or trade & investment or project analysis or quantitative data analytics with strength in quantitative analysis;
Practice a high level of professional, social, ethical and personal values, standards, behaviours and skills required in exercising professionalism in management; and
Pursue continuous self-learning, professional growth as well as organizational development for ensuring efficiency, effectiveness, competitiveness and value addition in individual and institutional role performance.
These competencies will be developed by use of a mix of theories, case analysis, research and experiential works during the program, and will be reflected in the design of course works, pedagogic approaches, pre-program orientation, post-program training, industry internship, real-life problem-solving exposure and experience in a community setting, co-curricular program, course evaluation, and finally dissertation at the end of the program. There will be intervention in between semesters for developing communication, creative writing, and emotional intelligence skills.
Program structure
The program is structured as below:
Foundation courses in Business and Economics aimed at developing analytical skills (four courses equivalent to 11 credits)
Core courses in Business focused on functional and decisional domains of management (six courses equivalent to 15 credits)
Core courses in Economics focused on theories and modeling in economics (six courses equivalent to 17 credits)
Integrative courses designed to combine and synergize multiple knowledge-bases with specialized application focus (four courses equivalent to 8 credits)
Concentration courses that allow for the development of specialized functional or sectoral business economics competency directly related to career path. Four different concentration areas dealing with Money and Finance, Trade and investment, Project management and Quantitative themes are devised (four courses in both areas equivalent to 12 credits).
Comprehensive Academic Dissertation (CAD) aimed at establishing the ability to carry out academic research independently (3 credits). The student must conduct the CAD in his/her concentration area.
In between semesters, extra-curricular courses will be offered to develop students’ soft skills (communication, creative writing, emotional intelligence etc).
The total credit load for the Master in Business and Economics program is 66.