A leading post-experience program for value addition in career
Change stops never, challenging managers to keep on learning and adapting on a continuous basis. Managers are, however, constrained in their development because of their career. For many the choice between career and education is a difficult one. Executive MBA at KUSOM blends and optimizes both. This is a post-experience management education program that helps managers learn to change and grow in career – not outside it. It is designed for working professionals who wish to fight obsolescence and improve management and leadership capability to get ahead.
KUSOM EMBA is a leading post-experience executive education program in Nepal that offers advantage of a comprehensive high quality graduate management program, while continuing in full time professional roles.
Experienced managers pursuing EMBA at KUSOM
Terminal competencies
After completing all the curricular requirements of the program, the graduating students will be able to:
These competencies will be developed by use of a mix of theories, research and experiential works during the program, and will be reflected in the design of course works, pedagogic approaches, pre-program orientation, real-life problem solving assignments and project works, co-learning and networking opportunities with experienced colleagues, course evaluation, and finally research work at the end of the program.
To view details about the program, please visit the website here.