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The Bachelor of Business Administration Program (BBA) (Honours /Emphasis)
The BBA Program at the School of Management is an intensive four-year course designed to prepare individuals for careers as successful managers and entrepreneurs capable of coping with the complex world of today and of future.
The objective of this BBA Program is to assist the students to
· Develop critical thinking, analytical skills and conceptual ability to understand and solve problem in the business and social organizations
· Acquire practically relevant and theoretically sound knowledge of management required for career development in management and pursue further studies
· Develop professional, social, ethical and personal values and behavior.
BBA (Emphasis)
BBA (Emphasis) refers to special focus on one of the functional areas of management and is awarded with the acknowledgement of emphasis in that particular discipline. In order to get BBA (Emphasis) degree one requires to earn CGPA of 3.00 or more on a scale of 4 with completion of 50 courses equivalent to 130 credits
BBA (Honours)
BBA (Honours) focuses on building research capability of students besides emphasizing on one of the functional area of management and is awarded with BBA (Honours) in the chosen area of specialization. In order to get the degree one needs to earn CGPA 3.25 or more on a scale of 4 with completion of 54 courses equivalent to 142 credits.
Students who have passed all courses up to year II, semester II and secured at least 3.25 CGPA at end of regular end semester examinations and have secured grade of C+ and above in all the courses are eligible for the BBA Honours.
To view details about the program, please visit the website here.