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M. Tech. (Biotechnology) program will have duration of 2 years. A student needs to complete 52 credits of taught course, which includes a dissertation of 9 credits in the final semester. Student's research topic will be assigned by the respective supervisors considering that the research is important to the country and the research can accelerate the biotechnology based industries in Nepal. Some students can also be sent to abroad laboratories to give them more exposure in their area of research work. Identical areas such as Agriculture, Food and medicine will be offered as specialization course.
The aim of the program is to train the students in high level theoretical knowledge which enables them to tackle complex practical problems of development in the industrial fields as well as pursue further academic achievements through research. Enough flexibility is provided in the structure of the program in respect of lecture courses, laboratory and dissertation to help students to achieve the above mentioned aim. The department is well equipped with sufficient facilities for this purpose.
There shall be in-semester and end-semester examination in semester-I, II, III and evaluation of Dissertation work in semester Iv. Certified copies of the Dissertation shall be submitted by the candidate at the end of semester IV, followed by a successful defense of the Dissertation.
A dissertation in topic connected with a student's special discipline is a necessary requirement for the successful completion of Master level degree. The candidate must indicate an ability to express oneself in a satisfactory style.
Normally the dissertation should be submitted at the end of the fourth semester. However, upon the recommendation of the supervisor and the Department, and subject to the approval of the Dean only one term extension of six months can be granted.
The student will receive a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade and must have a satisfactory grade to qualify.
To graduate at Master Level a student must achieve the following: