Workshop on Outcomes-Based Pedagogical Process

Published Date: 2014-02-04, Tuesday


Workshop on Outcomes-Based Pedagogical Process

A two-day Workshop on “Outcomes-Based Pedagogical Process” was organized in School of Engineering during 27-28 January 2014.  Fifteen faculty members from School of Engineering, School of Science and School of Medical Sciences participated in the Workshop , which covered such themes in pedagogy as  Planning for Learning: How and Why, Developing Learning Outcomes: Bloom's Taxonomy at Work,  Deciding on Classroom Activities, Making Classroom Teaching Effective,  and Developing Assessment Strategies.

Addressing the brief inaugural session of the Workshop, Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, the Vice Chancellor, underlined the need to update teaching-learning system in the University through more and more ICT-based approaches. Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, the Registrar, explained the significance of the Workshop and stressed the need to extend it in different phases with substantive input in the University’s mission for quality education.

The inaugural was attended by the Controller of Examinations, Associate Deans and Directors from the main campus.

In a brief closing session on the second day, Prof. Dr. Ramesh Kumar Maskey, Associate Dean, School of Engineering, awarded certificates to the participants. He extended vote of thanks to the facilitators and participants and shared a belief that the Workshop would have commendable impact in future activities of the faculties at large.  



Dr. Bal Chandra Luitel, Associate Professor, School of Education, and Hem Raj Kafle, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, facilitated the sessions.

Humanities and Management Unit, School of Engineering, coordinated the two-day Workshop.



Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2014-02-04,Tuesday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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