Vice Chancellor Prof Sharma presented paper on China Education Exchange Symposium and visit of Chinese Officials at KU

Published Date: 2010-06-03, Thursday


Vice Chancellor Prof Sharmapresented paper on China Education Exchange Symposium andvisit of Chinese Officials at KU

The paper focused mainly on education systemof Nepal, China's contribution and the potential area of further collaboration.On the occasion, Dr Tirtha Khaniya, member of National Planning Commission, DrMadhav Sharma, Vice Chancellor of Tribhuvan University and Mr Mahashram Sharma,Joint Secretary of Ministry of Education also presented papers on differentother aspects of education. The Symposium was also attended by almost eightyhigh level representatives of more than thirty different universities of thePeople's Republic of China. The representatives of the Chinese universitiesalso visited Kathmandu University on May 18, 2010. The Vice Chancellor ProfSharma had welcomed the representatives and shared with them the specialfeature of KU. An interaction with KU officials and professors was held duringthe occasion. Initial discussions on possible different collaborations werealso exchanged. They also made observation of the different departments,laboratories and other facilities at the premises of Kathmandu University.

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Last Updated Date: 2019-07-24,Wednesday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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