Vacancy Announcement for the post of Lecturers

Published Date: 2013-06-04, Tuesday


Vacancy Announcement for the post of Lecturers

Department of Natural Sciences, School of Science, Kathmandu University is seeking candidates in the post of lecturer on contract basis for six months in the following subjects.

1. Statistics

2. Microbiology

The incumbent will be assigned courses for undergraduate level in Engineering in Applied Sciences. All interested candidates are requested to submit the written application in person with a copy of citizenship certificate, the updated CV and copies of educational certificates and testimonials of work experience in hard copy by March 4, 2013 to the following address. The candidates must have passed M. Sc. in the subject with first division preferably with dissertation.


 Office of the Dean,

School of Science,

Kathmandu University


Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2013-06-04,Tuesday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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