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View all programsPublished Date: 2022-02-09, Wednesday
The department of Civil Engineering conducted a virtual orientation program for the newly admitted students of Batch 2021 (Civil Engineering and Architecture Program) on February 9, 2022, via Zoom platform.
The Acting Head of the Department, Dr. Shyam Sundar Khadka welcomed the students and gave a general overview of both the programs. Er. Manish Prakash, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Civil Engineering Program and Ar. Buddha Shrestha, Architecture Program Coordinator introduced the various aspects of the courses in each program.
Er. Santosh Chaudhary, Lecturer at DCE highlighted the importance of Internships and project works which are carried out in the department for the uplifting of students' real-life applications in engineering. Er. Vimesh Paudel and Ar. Bishwodev Bhattarai introduced departmental clubs such as Kathmandu University Civil Engineering Club and Kathmandu University Architecture Club.
The program ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Kameshwor Sahani.