Training courses for rural communities

Published Date: 2012-12-16, Sunday


Community Education Pilot Project (CEPP) is a program run by School of Engineering, Kathmandu University (KU) that intends to work in collaboration with national and international organizations and agencies for improving the quality of life of the rural people through community education programs.

CEPP, in cooperation with E-learning Project, invites proposals for possible funding support on the development of skill oriented, fully online or hybrid, courses for the rural communities of Nepal. The proposals are welcome from engineering as well as non-engineering areas.

 Maximum funding of Rs. 35,000 will be awarded to the selected applicants for the development of each 12-15 hour long course. Teaching materials and tools required for the training for which additional funding is sought shall be clearly indicated in the proposal. Applicants may make a request to use e-learning facilities at KU.

The deadline for the submission of the proposals is December 7, 2012. The outcome of the competition will be announced on December 11, 2012. All the course contents and expenditure details must be submitted to CEPP by December 31, 2012.

The call for proposal is open to interested firms or individuals.

For further details, visit

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2012-12-16,Sunday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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