The University Welcomes New Students

Published Date: 2015-09-19, Saturday

18 September 2015

Around 650 students newly enrolled in Kathmandu University were welcomed  in an Orientation Program organized by Student Welfare Direcotorate at the central campus.

Welcoming the students Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, Vice Chancellor, shared how proud he was to see the fresh and enthusiastic students, and wished that they could unplug their potentials within 4 years at KU. Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, Registrar, congratulated the students for being admitted to various programs and informed them about the University system.

Similarly, Prof. Dr. Sanjay Nath Khanal, Controller of Examinations, shed light on the examination and evaluation system of KU. Prof. Dr. Kanhaiya Jha, Director at the Student Welfare Directorate, briefed about the student-focused activities organized and supervised by the Directorate.

Other officials to address the students were the Deans of School of Engineering and School of Science and heads of different administrative units.

Prof. Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma, the Founding Vice Chancellor, graced the orientation ceremony. He highlighted the story of the University's successes and wished the new students for their bright future.

Associate Deans, Heads of Departments, Coordinators, Administrative officers, faculties, staffs, parents and guardians were among the new students during the program.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2015-09-19,Saturday
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