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View all programsPublished Date: 2017-11-05, Sunday
On 22 September 2017, Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, Vice Chancellor, KU, presented a key-note address to the Academic Graduation Ceremony of Paracelsus Medical Private University (PMU), Salzburg, Austria.
Recalling the days of hard efforts he and his team had to exert in establishing Dhulikhel Hospital two decades ago, and highlighting his present role as the Vice Chancellor of Kathmandu University, Prof. Shrestha said:
You might think: I must feel relaxed, proud and satisfied with what I have been able to do with my team. The answer, my dear friends, is ‘No’. While I feel proud and incredibly happy about what we have achieved, every day we see newer challenges ahead. I am now beginning to realize that in ambitious pursuits like these, we slowly understand that the pleasure is in the journey, not in reaching the destination. Because there is no final destination. It is a process where we constantly evolve and find ourselves in positions where we can make bigger impacts than yesterday. In this endeavor, we reach to a stage where our best periods of rest are the moments when we bring comfort in the lives of others. And our best rewards are nothing but the smiles in the faces of strangers.