Russell E. Train Fellowship for Masters’ Degree for Nepalese students

Published Date: 2012-09-18, Tuesday

Russell E. Train Fellowship for Masters’ Degree for Nepalese students

Kathmandu University has received information about Russell E. Train Fellowship for Masters’ Degree for Nepalese students from WWF Nepal. Interested relevant students are encouraged to apply.

The Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program (EFN) aims to build a dynamic and highly qualified corps of conservation leaders in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Through Train Fellowships, EFN invests in the academic training of conservationists in a wide variety of disciplines so that they may gain the knowledge and skills necessary to manage natural resources in complex contexts. Russell E. Train Fellowships support individuals pursuing a master's or doctoral degree in conservation for up to 2 years.

Eligibility to make sure you are eligible before applying.

Priority Fields

Your field of study must pertain to one of the following:


Because funds are limited, Train Fellows are encouraged to contribute to their educational expenses with personal or family funds when possible. In addition, EFN also strongly advises applicants to seek funding from other sources.

To apply for a fellowship please download the application at: If you have any questions, please email us at:


The application deadline for the fellowship is

FEBRUARY 28, 2013

Applications sent after this date will not be considered.

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2012-09-18,Tuesday
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