RDI successfully conducted Proposals Presentation Evaluation Program of Internally Funded projects 2023/24

Published Date: 2023-12-03, Sunday


On 30 th November,2023 and 1 st December, 2023, Research, Development and Innovation (RDI)successfully conducted Proposals Presentation Evaluation program of Internally Funded Project 2080/81 at Senate Hall and mini auditorium in KU, Dhulikhel, Kavre. RDI will provide internally funded projects in two Category I (Rs 1,00,000) and Category II (Rs. 2,00,000) this year with an aim to support the faculties to conduct the research work in their department.

Prof. Dr. Bibhuti Ranjan Jha, welcomed the guests, experts, applicants and other officials in Kathmandu University. There was total 27 presentations. The presentation included projects descriptions, research activities, their outcomes and budget. There was a good interaction session between the experts and the applicants. The experts provide valuable suggestion to the applicants.

RDI would like to extend special thanks to the experts: Prof. Dr. Mahesh C. Luintel, Dr. Kshitiz C. Shrestha, Dr. Jyoti Maharjan, Senior Scientist Dr. Bal Krishna Joshi, Prof. Dr. Peshal Khanal, Prof. Dr. Sunity Hada Shrestha, Prof. Dr. Nisha Jha, Dr. Ramesh Sapkota, Dr. Sujita Shrestha, Dr. Ambu Bhawani Karki and Dr. Basanta Joshi. RDI also would also like to thank all the official, applicants and the participants of the program for making the program successful.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2023-12-03,Sunday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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