Peer Review Team (PRT) visit for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) of KUSOS and KUSOE

Published Date: 2013-04-30, Tuesday

Peer Review Team (PRT) for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) of KU School of Science and KU School of Engineering visited KU main campus from 22-26 April 2013. The PRT comprised of Professor Dr. Sudarshan Tiwari, Former Dean, Institute of Engineering (IOM), TU, Professor Dr. H.P. Khincha, Former Vice Chancellor, VT, Belgaun, Karnataka, Professor K.B. Mathema, Director, QAA Division UGC-Nepal, Professor Dr. Hirdaya Ratna Bajracharya, Technical Advisor to UGC-Nepal, Mrs. Chirikshova Tamrakar, Dean, Institute of Science and Technology, TU and Mr. Shaligram Singh, Chairperson, Nepal Engineering Council.

During the 5 day visit PRT had series of extensive interactions with various stakeholders of KU ranging from Executive Council members, Students, Faculty members, various admin and management divisions, alumni and parents representatives. They also visited campus facilities of two schools.

PRT handed over their assessment report to Deans (Professor Dr. Bhola Thapa, KUSOE Dean and Professor Dr. Panna Thapa, KUSOE Dean) at the exit meeting held on 26 April 2013. The exit meeting was attended by Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, Registrar Professor Dr. Bhadraman Tuladhar, Deans of KUSOS and KUSOE, Controller of Examinations Professor Dr. Pushpa Raj Adhikary, Heads and Coordinators of both Schools, Chief of Management Services Division and managers of various sections.


Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2013-04-30,Tuesday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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