Numerical Experiment Workshop on Plasma Focus

Published Date: 2013-10-22, Tuesday


Numerical Experiment Workshop on Plasma Focus

Dept. of Natural Sciences, KU, organized a workshop in numerical experiments on Plasma Focus during Sept 27-Oct 2, 2013. The workshop was a collaborative project of KU, Tribhuvan University (TU), Institute for Plasma Focus Studies (IPFS), Australia, INTI International University, Malaysia, and  Asian African Association for Plasma Training (AAAPT).

The main objective of the workshop was to train plasma physicists of Nepal.  

Prof. Sing Lee, director of IPFS and Prof. Saw Sor Heo, Pro vice- chancellor of INTI International University were the resource persons of the program. The program was inaugurated on 27 September by Prof. Lee by switching on a plasma lamp.

Prof. Dr. Panna Thapa, Dean of School of Science, and the Controller of Examinations, delivered a welcome speech. He emphasized the role of young scientists working in developing countries.  Prof. Lok Narayan Jha, Head of the Central Department of Physics, TU, highlighted the development of plasma physics study in Nepal.  Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, the Registrar of KU, Prof. Sanjaya Nath  Khanal, Director of Affiliation affairs, KU, and Mr. Mukunda Prashad Upadhyay, Chief Administrative Officer, KU, attended the inaugural program.

Forty two scholars from different institutions of Nepal participated in the workshop. The workshop was coordinated by Dr. Raju Khanal, Associate Professor of Physics at TU, and Dr. Deepak Prasad Subedi, Professor of Physics and Associate Dean at the School of Science, KU.

The workshop concluded on 2 October. In the closing program, Prof. Dr. Panna Thapa offered token of love to the resource persons and to Dr. Raju Khanal.  Prof. Dr. Thapa also distributed certificates to all the participants.

Prof. Dr. Subedi delivered vote of thanks to all the members of the organizing committee as well as to the staff and faculties of KU who had supported the workshop.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2013-10-22,Tuesday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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