NTNU Students visited at KU

Published Date: 2012-03-29, Thursday

NTNU Students visit at KU

28 March, 2012
Dhulikhel, Kavre

1 PhD and 12 Master students from NTNU, Norway visited KU on 28th March 2012. During their visit they had an interaction with NOMA/EnPe master students (MEEPE and MPPOES), researchers, faculty members and staffs of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Department. The program was organized by EnPe Program, School of Engineering, Kathmandu University. Master students from NTNU and KU shared their research activities.

Dr. Bhim Shrestha, HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, officially welcome the foreign students. Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane, EnPe – MPPOES Coordinator expressed sincere thanks to the students for their visit and highlighted some key points about student exchange program between NTNU and KU. Brijesh Adhikary, EnPe – MEEPE Coordinator share the feature of ongoing community project at KU.

Program was followed by the presentation of Master students from both the universities and researcher from KU. Mr. Suraj Pandey had presented about the progress on gasifier project while Mr. Sudip Adhikai and Mr. Aamod Panthi have highlighted about TTL lab at KU, its structure, ongoing project and its collaboration between water power laboratory at NTNU. Mr. Diwakar Bhujel, Academic Coordinator, EnPe / NOMA – MEEPE Program shared about the research / master thesis done by the students from 3 batches of MEEPE program here at KU. 

Program was conducted by Mr. Nirmal Acharya and concluded by Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane.

The program was attended by different faculty members, researchers, master and bachelor students along with the Dr Bhim Shrestha, Mr. Brijesh Adhikary, Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane, Mr. Suraj Baral, Mr Diwakar Bhujel, Mr. Basanta Raj Pokhrel. 

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2012-03-29,Thursday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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