Notice for PitchFest Competition

Published Date: 2014-12-14, Sunday

Adjustment Notice

PitchFest Competition

Jointly Organized by

Kathmandu University Business Incubation Center (KUBIC)


Kathmandu University Technical Training Center (KUTTC)


Kathmandu University Technical Training Centre (KUTTC) has been recently established with a mission to fulfill the skilled workforce in context of advancing technologies in automobile and manufacturing sectors. KUTTC also aims to reinforce the applied knowledge required in the Mechanical Engineering field. Kathmandu University is also establishing Business Incubation Center (KUBIC) to help and support potential research/project/ideas into a sustainable business.

This competition is organized as an initiative to boost the idea development process of students. The participants have to submit their ideas/innovative projects and pitch them in front of panel of judges. The final pitching of students will be examined by experts (inc. Industrialists and Academician).

The winning three teams will be provided by some consolation prize money.

Targeted Participants & Requirement:

All interested students from School of Engineering are encouraged to apply. To apply click here

The idea should be innovative that must include the technology transfer aspect considering the available equipment at KUTTC. The guideline for idea submission is attached below.


Guideline [Click Here


Important date Location:

  • Deadline for ideapitch submission: 20 December, 2014
  • Location: TTL auditorium, Dhulikhel, Kavre

*The date for pre-pitching will be announced later


For any information contact us:


Visit us: Block-08, Room-501

School of Engineering
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre 

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2014-12-14,Sunday
Published By: