Notice for Admit Card Collection for Applicants to School of Science and School of Engineering

Published Date: 2012-07-29, Sunday

Notice for Admit Card Collection for Applicants to School of Science and School of Engineering

Note: We will have five counters for admit cards distribution, respectively,

Provisional - PCM (2 counters),
Provisional - PCB (1 counter),
Regular     - PCM (1 counters),
Regular     - PCB (1 counter)

You are hence expected to collect your admit cards either from one of these PCM or PCB counters whichever applicable to you (PCM or PCB).

Provisional refers to those applicants who have not yet submitted complete marks of your intermediate level (10+2, A-Level, ISC or others equivalent) whereas Regular refers to those who have submitted complete marks of their intermediate level.

Since this year, applicants would be categorically sitting either for PCM or PCB in the entrance exam unlike the previous years, please kindly note that the eligibility for admission would be as follows:

Those sitting for PCM would be eligible for all Engineering programs, Applied Physics, Pharmacy, BioTechnology, Environmental Science and Computer Science whereas others appearring for PCB would be eligible for the Programs - Human Biology, Pharmacy, Environmental Science and BioTechnology. If there are any confusions over this when filling the form, please make sure that you report at the respective counter and rectify your preferences if required and relevant.

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For Admit Card

1. For July 22(Sunday), 2012 [Click here to Download]

2. For July 23(Monday), 2012 [Click here to Download]

3. For July 24(Tuesday), 2012 [Click here to Download]

4. For July 25(Wednesday), 2012 [Click here to Download] 

5. For July 26(Thursday), 2012 [Click here to Download]

6. For July 27(Friday), 2012 [Click here to Download]

7. For July 29(Sunday), 2012 [Click here to Download]

8. For July 30(Monday), 2012 [Click here to Download]

9. For July 31(Tuesday), 2012 [Click here to Download]

10. For August 1(Wednesday), 2012 [Click here to Download] 

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2012-07-29,Sunday
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