NORHED Project (SUNREM-Himalaya) Inception Meeting Held

Published Date: 2014-02-02, Sunday


NORHED Project (SUNREM-Himalaya) Inception Meeting Held

The NORHED Project with the acronym SUNREM-Himalaya, administered by the Aquatic Ecology Centre, School of Science, organized an Inception Meeting from 29-30 Jan 2014 in Mini Auditorium of CV Raman Block. SUNREM-Himalaya is a collaborative project among Norway, Nepal, Pakistan and Bhutan with focus on Sustainable Natural Resource Management for Climate Change Adaptation in the Himalayan Region to be implemented for a period of five years, with the possibility of extension for another five years subject to conditions.

At the Inception Meeting, all the partner institutions decided to hold a curriculum review workshop in the near future to analyze the climate change components into the course designed for Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering at respective institutions. Partners also decided on criteria and appropriate timings for the award of Ph.D. Fellowships, Small Grants for faculty members, and design of home page with the project name for knowledge management and transfer. Each partner will soon prepare a budgetary plan for Institutional Building, and also send request to the main partner in the South i.e., Kathmandu University to provide faculty for teaching climate change related courses in the other two institutions in the South viz., College of Natural Resources in Lobasa, Punakha; and Karakurum International University situated in Gilgit, Pakistan.

The Opening Session was chaired by Prof. Dr. BholaThapa, Registrar, who delivered a welcome speech on the occasion followed by Vote of Thanks by Prof. Dr. PannaThapa, Dean, School of Science.

Photo taken by Dr. Kishor Atreya, Visiting Faculty- DESE (front first from RHS)

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2014-02-02,Sunday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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