National Symposium on Nanotechnology and Material Processing (NSNMP)-2016

Published Date: 2016-05-24, Tuesday

With pleasure, we would like to make an announcement that the dept. Chem. Science & Chem. Eng., School of Engineering; Kathmandu University, in collaboration with dept. Natural Science, is going to organize 2nd Symposium on

National Symposium on Nanotechnology and Material Processing (NSNMP)-2016 Therefore, we would, like to request to present your research contribution either by oral or poster presentation in the symposium. Students are also encouraged to attend as a participant and take advantage of such scientific meeting. The date, time and venue arranged are:

June 1st, 2016 (Wednesday; Jestha 19, 2073 BS)

Venue: CV Raman Auditorium Hall, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel

Note: Transportation will be arranged for the program and request you to make early registration by contacting to Dr. Bhim Kafle:

(The registration fee, NRs. 500 for the faculties and Rs. 300 for students, can be paid in the same day).

We look forward to seeing you.  Bhim Kafle, PhDSymposium Coordinatordept. Chem. Science & Engineering, School of Engineering; Kathmandu UniversityDhulikhel, Kavre
Contact: Mobile: 9849784962


Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2019-07-25,Thursday
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