National Seminar on Power and Communication Sector Development- 2010 held in KU

Published Date: 2011-01-12, Wednesday

NationalSeminar on Power and Communication Sector Development- 2010 held in KU

Electricity andcommunication are vital infrastructures of development of a country. Nepal startedits own hydropower plant in the early 1900s. After almost a century, where wehad to stand in a position of exporting the electric power; we are suppressedto live without electricity for 11 hours a day. The per capita energyconsumption in Nepal is only 16 GJ which is very low compared to average Asianfigure of 37 GJ. Also most of the communication industries in Nepal are playinga vital role to increase the Tele-penetration rate at urban and rural areas.However, the services are poor and not satisfactory. The necessity of both thesectors; power and communication are immense and the development of both goeshand-in-hand with collaborative research. With the view of providing a platformto explore the new areas of research and development, Department of Electricaland Electronics Engineering (DoEEE), Kathmandu University organized “TheNational Seminar on Power and Communication” on December 30, 2010.

The program commencedwith the inaugural session in which Mr. Brijesh Adhikary,Graduate Program Coordinator of DoEEE presented his welcome speech. After theinaugural ceremony, the Registrar of Kathmandu University, Prof. Dr.Bhadraman Tuladhar, expressed his views on the importance of technologicaladvancement in the field of power and communication. This was followed by Dr.Bhola Thapa, Dean of School of Engineering, who expressed his views regardingthe role of an academic institution in Power and Communication sectordevelopment. As a key note speaker Mr. Kul Man Ghising,Managing Director of Chilime Hydropower Company Limited shared his expertise inhydropower development in Nepal with a focus on Chilime itself. After this,         Mr. Anand Raj Khanal,Director of Nepal Telecom Authority shared his knowledge in the field ofcommunication. He presented the current scenario of Tele-penetration rate inNepal and talked about the difficulties associated in expanding thecommunication facility in Nepalese terrain. We also had an international keynote speaker representing United International University (UIU), Bangladesh, Dr.Raqibul Mostafa. Dr. Mostafa is an Associate Professor in UIU. He presented theissues regarding the Next-generation technologies in the field ofcommunication. He also presented the state of communication sector developmentin Bangladesh.  The program was jointlyanchored by Ms. Manya Gautam and Mr.Bidur Gautam.

There were altogethernineteen papers presented in the seminar which were divided among threetechnical sessions. The theme of the first technical session was power systemin which seven papers were presented. This session was chaired by Dr.Rabin Shrestha, KU. The theme of the second technical session was RenewableEnergy which was chaired by Dr. Rezwan Khan,  Vice Chancellor, UIU, Bangladesh.  Altogether seven papers were presented relatedto solar radiation, wind energy, bio-mass, solar photovoltaic system and ruralelectrification. The final session was chaired by Dr.Bhupendra Bimal Chhetri, KU. This session consisted of five papersrelated to information and communication system.

There was an enthusiasticparticipation of people from the industries including Nepal ElectricityAuthority, Nepal Telecom Authority, UTL, STM Sanchar, RETS, Swet GangaHydropower and Company and Chilime Hydropower Company Limited. Theparticipation from various and academic institutions was also huge whichincluded Institute of Engineering, Nepal Engineering College, Kantipur CityCollege, Kantipur Engineering College, ACME engineering college, Advancedcollege of Engineering. This program was jointly funded by NOMA and NepalTelecom Authority. The program was a successful event with the team work of theDoEEE members which was coordinated by Mr. Brijesh Adhikary, Mr. ShailendraKumar Jha and Mr. Brajesh Mishra.

In the seminar Mr. KulMan Ghising, on behalf of Chilime Hydro Power Pvt Ltd. presented a cheque ofNRs 25,00,000 (NRs Twenty five Lakhs) for the development of Turbine TestingLaboratory at KU.



Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2011-01-12,Wednesday
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