Mr. Sanat Kumar Bista received best research paper award

Published Date: 2009-07-28, Tuesday

Evolution of Cooperativeness in a Business Game Relying on Acquaintance Based Trustworthiness Assessment” in the 11th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC09) held during July 20 – 23 in Vienna, Austria. The research Paper was co-authored by Dr. K.P Dahal, Professor Peter Cowling and Professor Bhadra Man Tuladhar.  Some of his other publications of Interest are:

S.K.Bista, K.P.Dahal, P.I.Cowling, B.M. Tuladhar (2008), Evolution of Cooperation in an Incentive Based Business Game Environment, In the proceedings of ICADAM 2008- Sanya, China, Published by Springer London

S.K.Bista, K.P.Dahal, P.I.Cowling, B.M. Tuladhar (2008) Unraveling the Evolution of Defectors in Online Business Games, In the proceedings of SKIMA 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal

S.K. Bista, K.P. Dahal, P.I Cowling, B.M. Tuladhar. Metrics for computing trust in multi-agent environment, 8th Informatics Workshop, Bradford, UK, 2007.

S.K.Bista, K.P. Dahal, P.I.Cowling, B.M. Tuladhar. TruMet: An approach towards Computing Trust in Multi-Agent Environment, Proceedings of International conference on Software Knowledge Information Management and Applications, Chiangmai, Thailand 2006

S.K. Bista, K.P. Dahal, B.M. Tuladhar. Agent Oriented Peer-Peer Supply Chain for Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment, 7th Informatics Workshop, Bradford, UK, 2006.

B. Keshari, J. Bhatta and S.K. Bista. Nepali Part-of-Speech Guesser and Its Application in Lexicon Building. Proceedings of International Conference On Natural Language Processing, ICON-2005, IIT Kanpur, India, 2005.

B. Keshari, J. Bhatta and S.K. Bista. Handling Honorification in Dobahse: Online English-to-Nepali Machine Translation System. Proceedings of Third Asian Applied Computing Conference (AACC - 2005), Kathmandu, Nepal, 2005.

B. Keshari and S.K. Bista, UNL Nepali Deconverter. International-CALIBER 2005, Kochi, India, 2005.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2009-07-28,Tuesday
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