Mr. Khagendra Acharya, Assistant Professor at Humanities and
Management Unit (HMU), School of Engineering, had his article, "Community Identity and Collective Efficacy: A
Social Cure for Traumatic Stress in post Earthquake Nepal," through in European
Journal of Social Psychology (Impact Factor: 1.973).
This paper reports a study undertaken in
earthquake-affected regions in Nepal devastated by April 2015 quake and its
major aftershock a month later. Results of the study indicated that consistent
with tenets of the social identity framework, ethnic and gender group
memberships impacted on reported experiences during the earthquake. The
relationship between earthquake experience and PTG was mediated by community
identification and collective efficacy. Earthquake experience also had an
indirect effect on PTS through collective efficacy. (Visit:
Mr. Acharya (second author) co-authored the article with Prof.
Orla T. Muldoon (first author), Saraj Jay, Judith Pettigrew, Kamal Adhikari, and
RD Lowe.