M.Sc. in Environmental Science students are visiting Norway for 4 months under NORPART-Project

Published Date: 2022-08-30, Tuesday


The following students studying MSc Environmental Science with specialization in Wildlife Management are visiting Inland Norwegian University of Applied Sciences (INN), Evenstad, Koppang, Norway as exchange students to fulfil the requirement of the courses for their master’s program. They will be in Norway for one semester starting from August 022 to Dec 022. The students are

  1. Miss Shreeya Manandhar
  2. Miss Shreyashi Bista
  3. Mr Dennis Sherchan
  4. Miss Nikita Palanchoke

This program is funded by NORPART project, which is a collaborative project between INN Norway, Kathmandu University (KU) and National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC). The main aim of the project is capacity building for joint education and research in applied ecology. The Project includes the provisions of exchange of faculties and students during the project period (5 years). The exchange students are given farewell by the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering on 26 Aug 022 in presence of Department Head, faculties and staff of the Department.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2022-08-30,Tuesday
Published By: School of Science
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