M. Sc. and M. Tech Students Defended their Thesis

Published Date: 2019-11-24, Sunday

The Final Thesis Defense of M.Sc. in Environmental and Natural Resources and M. Tech. in Environmental Engineering of batch 2017-2019 was held on 24 November 2019.  Following are the students who defended.
M. Tech. in Environmental Engineering of batch 2017-2019:
  1. Arjun Aryal
  2. Atul Silwal
  3. Manish Pote
  4. Mina Pokhrel
  5. Sadiksha Rai
  6. Santosh Khanal
  7. Shreeya Bhatarai
M. Sc. in Environmental and Natural Resources:
  1. Jhuna Kattel
  2. Kundan Chaudhary
  3. Rojina Rijal
  4. Sanjina Sainju
  5. Sindhu Karki
  6. Ujjwal Pradhan

Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2019-11-27,Wednesday
Published By: School of Science, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
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