Kathmandu University goes Community Level training at Sindhupalanchowk and Dolakha district on Disaster Management

Published Date: 2010-09-03, Friday

Kathmandu University is organizing Community Based Disaster Risk Management Training for Capacity Building in selected communities and Local administration level in Sindhupalchowk and Dolakha District of Nepal, RCRRP in the Himalayas, UNDP – ECHO initiative.

The resource persons are from School of Science, School of Management and School of Medical Sciences, Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University and Nepal Engineering College affiliated to Pokhara University.

The program is being coordinated by Dr. Bim Prasad Shrestha, Associate Professor and Head of Department at Department of Mechanical Engineering of Kathmandu University and  being provided in four thematic areas of Early warning system, Contingency planning , Search and Rescue and First aid in both the districts.

The relevant resource materials are being provided by Nepal Red Cross Society, Practical Action Nepal, Action aid Nepal, Mercy Corps, DIPECHO etc. The logistic support is being provided by TRUST Nepal Pvt. Ltd and on site support is being provided by CDECF, the local partner designated by UNDP/Nepal

Kathmandu University extends great appreciation to these organization for their support.
The training will be given to local community and district level of office bearer of Nepal Police, Nepal Armed Police, Nepal Army, Nepal Red Cross, District development office etc.

This is first of its kind that Kathmandu University is organizing the training at local level and contract has been awarded to Kathmandu University on competitive basis.

August. 31st  2010  is the first day of the training program and inaugurated at Melamachi Diamond Resort of Bahunepati. In the Inauguration program, training coordinator Dr. Bim Shrestha welcomed all the participants on behalf of its organizer Kathmandu University. Project support officer of UNDP Mr. Deepak KC highlighted the importance of training program and also shed light on UNDP ECHO initiative activities for hydro metrological disaster management  being carried out in Nepal.
The first day training was given by Dr. Rijan Bhakta Kayastha on Early warning system and his training is being facilitated by Ms. Rinu Karmacharya at Bahunepati VDC of Sidhupalnchok district. 

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2010-09-03,Friday
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