IT Meet 2014 Kicks Off

Published Date: 2014-12-22, Monday

IT Meet 2014 Kicks Off


21 December 2014

Kathmandu University IT Meet 2014 kicked off in its central premises after an inaugural program in the CV Raman Auditorium.

The Meet is an annual event organized by Kathmandu University Computer Club  (KUCC) to promote technology and explore the possibilities of IT.

With an objective of creating a platform for youths, experts, government organizations and educational institutes to discuss IT for community benefits, the University has been organizing the two-day event every year. The theme of this edition is "Technology, Entrepreneurship and Opportunity."

Inaugurating the event, Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, the Registrar, highlighted the avenues the University was creating in order to help its students become entrepreneurs through various activities and projects. He congratulated the organizers for being able to continue the event every year. He also emphasized that the University had been working to make a change by providing quality education beyond theoretical knowledge, which would help ensure that students are capable of creating their own jobs.

The Meet features various activities such as 3D Movies, Python Meet, Hackathon, Software and Hardware competition, mobile games and Googling among others.

Dr. Manish Pokharel, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, said that IT Meet 2016 would be planned as an international event.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2014-12-22,Monday
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