IRDP Pilot Project Presentation Schedule

Published Date: 2018-09-03, Monday

KOICA-IRDP announces call for presentation regarding IRDP Research Grant published on 13 August 2018.

All successful participants are requested to follow the schedule as mention.

Date: 5 and 6  September 2018
Venue : Kathmandu University, CV Raman Auditorium [Main Square]
Time : onwards (Please refer schedule for individual presentation)

Presentation time : Maximum 15 Minutes followed by Q&A session.

  • Signature of PI and Institution/School/Department/Unit Head in Application For Technology Development Project Support Form is Mandatory to submit during presentation.
  • Presentation must be done by Principal Investigator (PI) of the proposed project.
  • Failure to attend presentation as per schedule time will automatically disqualify from the program.

Download Program Schedule


Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2018-09-03,Monday
Published By: Kathmandu University