In coordination with Embassy of India, a team of Professors from
different Indian Institute of Technology(IIT)s of India visited
Kathmandu University, Central Office for an Interaction Program with
concerned faculties and students on 28th August, 2016. The IIT team was
accompanied by First Secretary(Education) Mr. M. Keivom of Indian
Embassy. The team of IIT comprised of following Professors:
- Prof. Upendra Bhandarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Mumbai
- Prof. Pradeep Bhargava, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT, Rookee
- Prof. Naveen Garg, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT, Delhi and
- Prof. N. Selvaraju, Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT, Guwahati
the visit IIT team presented about the opportunities for Nepali
students in IIT and cooperation between the two institutions. The
participants attending presentation were Registrar, Dean SOE, Dean SOS,
HODs of different departments of Science and Engineering, Faculty
Members and Students of Kathmandu University.
The slides of the presentation)