HRGS Organized Interaction Program on Silver Jubilee Initiatives

Published Date: 2017-08-23, Wednesday

22 August 2017

The Human Resources and General Services (HRGS) office organized an interactiion program wih Managers, Officers and Support level staffs of different offices and Schools of the University. The objective of the workshop was to orient all the key staffs of the University with the fundamentals of Kathmandu University Silver Jubilee Initiatives and also to seek inputs for further elaboration and implementation of the Initiatives. 

Dr. Biraj Karmacharya, chief of the Department of Community Programs under School of Medical Sciences, introduced the Six Initiatives (Quality, Innovation, Impact, Identity, Equity and Global Engagement). Following the extensive comments from the participants, Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, the Vice Chancellor, addressed the program where he expressed satisfaction over the staff's curiosity and willingness to contribute to the expansion and implementation of the Initiatives.

Similarly, extending vote of thanks to all the participants and commetators, Mr. Mukunda Prasad Upadhyaya, Chief of the Management Services Division, highlighted the relevance of the Initiatives and stressed that the University should work towards building as well as producing competent and capable Human Resources in order to ensure visible achievements through the Initiatives.

The interaction was moderated by Dr. Hem Raj Kafle, Coordinator of the Humanities and Management Unit, on behalf of the Coordination and Communicattion Division, Office of the Vice Chancellor. 

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2017-08-23,Wednesday
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