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View all programsPublished Date: 2015-10-10, Saturday
B.Sc. Environmental Science (Hons.) and B.Tech. Environmental Engineering 8th Semester students are informed that the Project Work defense is now rescheduled to earlier dates 11-12 October 2015. ALL THE PRESENTATIONS WILL TAKE PLACE IN BLOCK 06: ROOM Nos 207, 208 on 11 OCT 2015 and ADDITIONALLY ROOM No. 106 WILL ALSO REMAIN OCCUPIED on 12 OCT 2015. Students of 8th Semester must be COMPULSORILY present in formal dress. As the Classrooms 207, 208 and 106 will remain occupied, students having regular classes in these rooms may thus decide to attend the Presentations subjected to availability of space.
External Examiners Er. Sandhya Regmi (Theme: Air Pollution and Soil) and Shyam Thapa (Theme: wastes and wastewater) are available on 11 Oct 2015, whereas Profs. Madan Koirala, Sunil Adhikari, and Sadhana Pradhanang are available on 12 Oct 2015.
All Supervisors and other Faculty members are also requested to attend the presentations along with their students.
Date: 11 Oct 2015
Room 207: Air Pollution and Soil: Chair- Dr. Bed Mani Dahal/Prof. Roshan M Bajracharya
Room 208: Wildlife and Water: Chair - Dr. BR Jha
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