The Humanities and Management
Unit (HMU), School of Engineering, has been given the charge of operating the Kathmandu University Business Incubation Center (KUBIC). This initiative will provide a new strength to the Center through HMU's dedicated involvement and resource mobilization.
In particular, the services under KUBIC will include:
Assistance on business plan development, business pitching and report writing
- Advisory board and mentor
Financial assistance
Marketing assistance
Legal assistance
- Intellectual property right
management assistance
- Technology commercialization
Provide Office Space (Rented /
Non- Rented)
Provide Links to strategic
Provide access to venture
- Provide comprehensive business
training programs
Provide training on business
etiquettes development
In the view of taking a
spontaneous action to this initiative, HMU will be immediately engaged towards:
Materializing the impact
initiatives undertaken by Kathmandu University to promote Entrepreneurship and
upliftment of society and country after the graduation;
- Motivating students to develop
the projects/products into startups which they have undertaken simply as a
course requirement;
- Evaluating, selecting and
implementing at least five mini business models with business potential within
six months covering various departments within the university which includes
two projects each from school of Engineering and School of Science and one from
Grooming the students through
the process specified above.
HMU looks forward to generous participation of different stakeholders in this new initiation towards entrepreneurship and
University's push for enterprise creation.