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View all programsPublished Date: 2016-03-15, Tuesday
Mr. Eak Prasad Duwadi, Assistant Professor, chaired a technical session on the issues and challenges of education in a conference organized by Department of Education, Gorakhpur University, India, on 11 March. He also addressed the valedictory session of the conference.
Dr. Hem Raj Kafle, Assistant Professor and Coordinator, and Mr. Punya Prasad Koirala, Lecturer, presented papers in the 21st International Conference of Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA) held in Lalitpur during 7-9 March. Dr. Kafle’s paper was entitled “Beyond Narcissism: Attuning Teacher Performance through Students’ Critical Reflections,” in which he discussed how students’ post-class reflections could be used to customize the everyday performances of English teachers teaching professional communication at the tertiary-level classes of science and engineering. In the paper entitled “Teaching Stories in Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Undergraduate Level,” Mr. Koirala explained the application of Bloom’s Taxonomy in teaching stories as tools of critical and creative thinking at the tertiary-level classes of communication skills.
Similarly, Dr. Kafle presented a paper in the 35th annual International Conference of Literary Association of Nepal (LAN) held in Kathmandu during 1-2 March. The paper, entitled “‘The Future of Thinking’: Treading the Untrodden Trails,” underlined the areas of scholarship where scholars in Humanities could collaborate with those of other disciplines including Sciences, Engineering and Management.
Meanwhile, Mr. Duwadi got a research article entitled “Teaching English in Nepal” published from Australia in the anthology Global Language Policies and Local Educational Practices and Cultures (11th edition).