GridVille in Coordination with ICIMOD Conducted a Two-Day Training on Renewable Energy Technologies

Published Date: 2022-04-08, Friday


A two-day training entitled 'Renewable Energy for Climate Actions and Building Resilience' has been conducted at ICIMOD Knowledge Park, Godavari on 3rd and 4th of April.

During the training, concept on climate change in the global and Nepal's context was discussed including session on climate actions such as Second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Net Zero Strategy, Nepal's energy scenario, Nepal's long-term goals and strategy, and challenges and opportunities of renewable energy sector. Event was conducted with the aim to fill a gap between theoretical and practical knowledge in the case of energy and power sectors in Nepal with focus on how an actual renewable project is implemented in real life on renewable energy technologies. Participants were also able to observe the demonstration of different renewable energy technologies installed at the park.

With the completion of the training, students are expected to be more industry-ready for the renewable energy sector and develop a climate-conscious attitude in the future, tackling the common project challenges with adequate knowledge on project implementation process in Nepal.

The event was conducted as a part of ICIMOD HUC-TWG Energy activity supported by GridVille, Kathmandu University, and funded by Australia Awards, Nepal. The event was facilitated by Mr. Avishek Malla and Mr. Kushal Gautam, both energy experts at the center.

Forty-one undergraduate students from DOEEE and fifty-nine from DOME participated in the training. One hundred participants of different social background and geography of the country including seventeen female participants were actively involved.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2022-04-08,Friday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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