Dr. Pyakurel Gets a Paper Published in EBHR

Published Date: 2017-02-25, Saturday

Dr. Uddhab Pyakurel, Assistant Professor at School of Arts, KU, got a research paper entitled "Migration Governance in the Context of Nepal’s Labour Migration to the Gulf Countries" published in the EUROPEAN BULLETIN OF HIMALAYAN RESEARCH (EBHR) (Vol 48, Winter 2016).

The paper engages with the current global discussion and literature on migration management and migration governance, and assesses how this involvement is perceived by labour migrants and those who aspire to work abroad as labourers.

Since there has been a significant increase of labour migration to the Gulf States over recent years, the focus of the discussion is on Nepalese labour migrants and those Nepalese who aspire to work as labourers in the Gulf countries. 

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2017-02-25,Saturday
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