Dr. Luitel visited various universities in US

Published Date: 2010-09-28, Tuesday

Dr . Bal Chandra Luitel

visited the University of Wyoming (UW) from September 3 to 13 to participate inthe planning conference of WISDOMe (Wyoming Institute for the Study and Development of MathematicalEducation). At the conference, he presented a commentary on the plenary onlived mathematical experiences by Wolff Michael Roth. Besides, Dr. Luitelpresented a public lecture on transformative mathematics education in Nepal,met with officials of the university with a view to develop collaborationbetween KU and UW, and engaged in a series of discussion with Prof. LarryHatfield and other members of the DIME (Developing Investigations ofMathematical Experience) research team to (re) conceptualise research intolived mathematical experiences. A Journeyfrom a Transmissionist Teacher to a Transformative Researcher, and a seminar onNew Science and New Mathematics to a group of graduate students and professors.He discussed with professors from the Department of Geography and School ofAgriculture regarding joint research activities between the two universities. AFresno State Professor is visiting KU in November so as to materialise thepossibility of joint research collaboration. 

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2019-07-24,Wednesday
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