Dr. Luitel Got a Book Chapter Published

Published Date: 2017-10-31, Tuesday

Dr. Bal Chandra Luitel, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, got a Chapter entitled "A Mindful Inquiry into Reductionism in Mathematics Education" published in Weaving Complementary Knowledge Systems and Mindfulness to Educate a Literate Citizenry for Sustainable and Healthy Lives, a book brought out by Sense Publishers.
The Chapter mainly discusses the problematic nature of reductionism as a key obstacle towards developing mathematics education in Nepal as an inclusive, agentic and meaning-centred enterprise of learning.  Two cultural-intellectual traditions – performativity and mindfulness – have enabled the author to explore meanings of reductionism as ideology, methodology, logic and history via narrative, poetic and reflective genres. The Chapter also involves an inquiry into the types of reductionism – systemic, curricular, pedagogic, and evaluative – widespread in Nepali mathematics education.
A free preview of the book can be found at:

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2019-06-26,Wednesday
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