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View all programsPublished Date: 2014-03-05, Wednesday
Dr. Ken Ohashi delivers a special talk at KU
Dhulikhel, Kavre
4 March 2014
Dr. Ken Ohashi, former Country Representative of World Bank to Nepal delivered a special talk on 'Why has Nepal fallen behind in development so far, and how can Nepal change it?' in a program organized by Kathmandu University on 26 February 2014.
Dr. Ohashi outlined the global developmental scenario and highlighted the features of East Asian development models along with pros and cons of each models. He pointed that innovativeness and inclusiveness are the key aspects of development for any country. Democratic stable government is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development of the nation, he stressed.
Dr. Ohashi shared his views regarding the causes of underdevelopment of Nepal that he recollected during his stay in Nepal from 2000 to 2007 AD. He suggested that society has to change its conventional thoughts of working style, existing culture bounded norms and values for gearing up the development process.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha welcomed Dr. Ohashi and his octogenarian mother at the University. Prof. Dr. Mahesh Banskota, Dean, School of Arts has moderated and briefed Dr. Ohashi's contribution to the development sector, particularly for developing countries. On behalf of the University, Prof. Bim Shrestha expressed vote of thanks to him.
Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, Registrar, students and teaching and non-teaching staffs of Kathmandu University and invitees from World Bank, Japanese Embassy, JICA and KOICA were present in the talk program.
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