Asso. Prof. Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane, Dept. of Mech., KU, Published a book and papers

Published Date: 2012-02-17, Friday

Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane, Associate Professor at Department of Mechanical Engineering recently published a book and following Papers in different international journals and conferences. 


  1. Dahlhaug Ole G., and Cervantes Michel,2012,The effect of sediment characteristics for predicting erosion on Francis turbines blades, The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, Volume 19, Issue 1, February 2012, Hydro & Dams in Latin America, Francis Turbine Technology – Intake Gates
  2. ., Sujakhu Surendra, Shrestha Sanjay, Subedi Khsitij, and Basnet Anil, 2012, Study of Sediment erosion in Hydraulic Turbine Using Rotating Disc Apparatus (RDA), Second International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET 2012) Conference proceedings, (5-7 January) Dhaka, Bangladesh
  3. Neopane Hari P., 2012, Present Status and Technical Challenges of Micro Hydropower Plants in Nepal, Second International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET 2012) Conference proceedings, (5-7 January) Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  4. , Dahlhaug Ole G., Cervantes Michel, 2011, Sediment Erosion in Hydraulic Turbines, Global Journal of researches in engineering, Mechanical and mechanics engineering, Volume 11 Issue 6: page 17-26, Version 1.0 November 2011,Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal, Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA), Online ISSN: 2249-4596 & Print ISSN:0975-5861 GJRE (2011)
  5. Eltvik Mette, Dahlhaug Ole G. and Neopane Hari P.,2011, Prediction of Sediment Erosion in Francis Turbines, 4-th International Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Conference proceedings, (26-28 October) Belgrade, Serbia
  6. Ole G., and Cervantes Michel, 2011, Effect of Operating Conditions of Francis Turbines for Predicting Sediment Erosion, Hydro 2011- Practical Solutions for a Sustainable Future, Conference proceedings, (17-19 October) Prague- Czech Rep.
  7. ., 2011, Sediment Erosion in Hydraulic turbines, RETRUD-2011, Third International Conference on Addressing Climate change for Sustainable development through Up-Scaling Renewable Energy Technologies, Conference proceedings, (October 12-14) Kathmandu, Nepal
  8. Neopane Hari P., 2011, Sustainability Issues of Micro Hydropower Plants in Nepal, RETRUD-2011,Third International Conference on Addressing Climate change for Sustainable development through Up-Scaling Renewable Energy Technologies, Conference proceedings, (October 12-14), Kathmandu, Nepal
  9. ., 2011, Sediment Erosion in Hydro Turbines, Book, ISBAN 978-3-639-34160-7, Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller GmbH & Co. KG. Dudweiler Landstr. 99, 66123 Saarbrucken, Germany.


Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2012-02-17,Friday
Published By: Kathmandu University
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