Dr. Gunjan Bisht Thapa Got a Paper Published

Published Date: 2017-10-28, Saturday

Dr. Gunjan Bisht Thapa, Assistant Professor of Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, with her students Mr. Abhinay Man Shrestha and Ms. Sanjila Neupane of Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, got a research article entitled “An Assessment of Physicochemical Parameters of Selected Industrial Effluents in Nepal” published in a peer reviewed journal – Journal of Chemistry (Impact Factor 1.300 according to the 2016 Journal Citation Reports released by Clarivate Analytics in 2017).

In this research article a study was conducted to give a brief outlook into the variability of physicochemical parameters of various industries and their effluents in Nepal. This study can provide a base and a direction towards a broad and perhaps a more detailed inspection of the various industries and its effluents in the country in the near future.

The paper is available at the given link:




Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2017-10-28,Saturday
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